Please be advised that Public Hearings of Sarnia City Council will be held on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, at 1:00 PM to consider the following planning applications:
Official Plan Amendment No. 6 and Zoning By-Law Amendment No. 03-2024-85 of 2002 for the property located at 1873 London Line.
Official Plan Amendment No. 6 is to amend the City of Sarnia Official Plan to revise the land use schedules on the subject lands and the previously approved draft plan of subdivision. Portions of the lands are to be amended for residential land uses, where they are currently identified as “Parks and Open Space,” and portions of the lands are to be re-designated for “Parks and Open Space,” which are currently designated for “Existing Neighbourhood.”
Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA) No. 03-2023-85 of 2002 is to amend the City of Sarnia Zoning By-law 85 of 2002 to include a site-specific Urban Residential 2-* zone (UR2-*), which would permit both single-detached and semi-detached dwellings. Site-specific regulations regarding minimum lot area, lot frontage, and front yard depth have also been requested.
Draft Plan of Subdivision No SD2-2024 is to amend the previous draft approved plan of subdivision (SD2-2019) to change the internal street network, location of stormwater management ponds, re-alignment of the central open space parkland block, the addition of semi-detached blocks, and re-lotting of the single detached dwelling lots, in accordance with OPA No. 6 and ZBA 03-2024-85 of 2002.
These proposed changes would increase the number of draft-approved residential units from 135 (as approved in SD2-2019) to 152. The amendment to the plan addresses fill availability, importation, and surface drainage through the property.
The Statutory Public Meeting relates only to Official Plan Amendment No. 6 and Zoning By-Law Amendment Application No. 3-2024-85 of 2002.
Additional information submitted with the above applications can be viewed at
Official Plan Amendment No. 08-2024 and Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA) No. 05-2024-85 of 2002 for the property located at 275 Wellington Street.
The purpose and effect of the applications are:
Official Plan Amendment No. 8 is to amend the City of Sarnia Official Plan to add a site and area-specific policy to allow a high-rise apartment building only within the development limits illustrated on Schedule ‘A’ subject to the policies of the Mixed-Use Corridor II Designation.
Zoning By-law Amendment No. 5-2024-85 of 2002 is to amend the City of Sarnia Zoning By-law 85 of 2002 to establish two separate site-specific zones (north and south) as follows:
- North – change from Urban Residential 5-32 (‘UR5-32’) Site Zone to a new ‘Urban Residential 5-33 to add Auditoriums, Commercial schools, Commercial recreation establishments, medical centres/clinics, Offices, Public halls, Restaurants, Retail establishments and Studios as new additional permitted uses along with site-specific zone provisions; and
- South – change from an Urban Residential 5-32 (‘UR5-32’) Site Zone to a new ‘Urban Residential 5-34 to add street multiple attached dwellings as new permitted uses along with site-specific zone provisions.
The proposal to redevelop the land includes renovating the original SCITS (1922) building and removing the one-storey 1960s rear addition to accommodate a private school, student residences, and other commercial and office uses. In addition, a new 10-story residential high-rise building would be built behind SCITS, and four new four-story street townhouse buildings would be built along Stuart and Talfourd Streets.
Additional information submitted with the above applications can be viewed at
Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA) No. 01-2024-85 of 2002 and 02-2024-85 of 2002 for the property described as Blocks 58 and 59, Plan 769 located at the northeast and northwest corners of Confederation Line and Ronald Bloore Drive.
The purpose and effect of the applications are:
Application for Zoning By-law Amendment (1-2024-85 of 2002) is to replace the existing “Urban Residential 4-15 (H) (UR4-15(H)) Site Specific Zone” with a new “Urban Residential (UR4-XX) Site Specific Zone” that will more appropriately reflect the proposed development. Changes proposed relate to reductions in front yard depth, rear yard depth and the minimum interior side yard setback, an increase in the maximum lot coverage as well as establishing side yard setbacks for the semi-detached dwellings proposed to be located adjacent to the north and south property lines of the Community Lands area.
Application to Remove a Holding(H) Symbol (2-2024-85 of 2002) is to remove the Holding Symbol from the lands. The subject property is currently zoned “Urban Residential 4-15 (H) (UR4-15(H)) Site Specific Zone” to permit forty-four (44) multiple-attached dwelling units within a vacant plan of condominium. The holding Symbol (H) may only be removed when the following conditions have been fulfilled to the satisfaction of the City:
- That the sanitary sewer and pumping station capacity to fully service the lands with the proposed increase in density be confirmed through an analysis of the existing and future capacity allocations.
- That the stormwater management infrastructure and pond capacity to fully service the lands with the proposed increase in density be confirmed through analysis of the existing and future capacity allocations.
The property owner has now submitted the required studies/reports and will enter into a site plan agreement to the satisfaction of the City for the development of these lands. Council will consider the request on October 1, 2024.
Application for Draft Plan of Vacant Land Condominium (CDS1-2024) has been submitted to establish forty-two (42) dwelling units (12 semi-detached units and 6 multiple attached units in Block 58 and 24 semi-detached units in Block 59) and common elements for the proposed development. The common elements for the dwellings will include a private access driveway and servicing.
The Statutory Public Meeting relates only to Zoning By-Law Amendment Application No. 01-2024-85 of 2002.
Additional information submitted with the above applications can be viewed at
How to Participate
You are invited to watch these hearings online at You can participate by submitting comments and/or speaking during the public meeting. Comments can be submitted by email to, mail to City of Sarnia, c/o Community Services Division, 255 Christina Street North, P.O. Box 3018, Sarnia ON N7T 7N2, or by placing them in the mail slot on the right-hand side of the Christina Street North entrance to City Hall.
To ensure your comments are included in the City’s Council Agenda, comments must be received by Noon, Friday, September 13th, 2024.
Speaking at the Public Meetings
If you wish to participate in a public meeting, you are encouraged to pre-register with the Clerks Department by emailing or calling 519-332-0330 ext. 3320. Ensure the email includes the application/file number(s) of interest.
Instructions for virtual meeting participation will be provided following registration and/or online at under Public Meetings.
Planning Act Appeal Information
Official Plan Amendment & Zoning By-law Amendment
If a person or public body would otherwise have an ability to appeal the decision of the City of Sarnia, or County of Lambton to the Ontario Land Tribunal but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions of the City of Sarnia, or County of Lambton before the proposed official plan amendment is adopted, or zoning by-law amendment is passed the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision.
If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the City of Sarnia, or County of Lambton before the proposed official plan amendment is adopted, or zoning by-law amendment is passed the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party.
Draft Plan of Subdivision/Condominium
If a person or public body would otherwise have the ability to appeal the decision of the City of Sarnia but does not make oral submissions at a public meeting, if one is held, or make written submissions to the City of Sarnia in respect of the proposed plan of subdivision/condominium before the approval authority gives or refuses to give approval to the draft plan of subdivision/condominium, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision to the Ontario Land Tribunal.
If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting, if one is held, or make written submissions to the City of Sarnia in respect of the proposed plan of subdivision before the approval authority gives or refuses to give approval to the draft plan of subdivision, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to do so.
Draft Plan of Subdivision and Condominium Applications
Under Bill 23, the More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022, a Statutory Public Meeting is not required for a Draft Plan of Subdivision or Condominium Applications before Sarnia City Council makes a decision on it. This means that any decision made by the Council on these applications is not subject to appeal by the public to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT).
This notice contains information related to the Draft Plan of Subdivision and Condominium applications solely for informational purposes. Any comments received on these applications will be provided to the Council for consideration before making a decision.
Collection of Personal Information
Please be aware that if you submit correspondence to the City of Sarnia regarding any of these Applications, your name, contact information, and communications will become part of the public record and be available to the general public pursuant to the Planning Act and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. For more information on this collection, please visit
If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Sarnia City Council’s on any of the above-noted applications, you must make a written request to: City of Sarnia, c/o Community Services Division, 255 Christina Street North, P.O. Box 3018, Sarnia ON N7T 7N2
Dated this 7th day of September 2024.