Large Item Collections will transition to weekly service starting Jan. 1, 2024.

You can set out large items, such as certain types of furniture, at the curb for pick up on your regular collection day. You can find more information on designated collection weeks on our Collection Schedule Page.

Large item requirements

Large items must be set out no later than 7 a.m. on your designated collection day, and no earlier than 6 p.m. the evening before.

Acceptable large items

Acceptable large items:

  • Chairs, couches (not dismantled)
  • Tables, entertainment centres, dressers (not dismantled)
  • Mattresses, box springs, bed frames, etc. (not dismantled)
  • Refrigerators, freezers, water coolers, and air conditioners that have had the Freon removed and are tagged by a refrigeration company; doors and lids must also be removed.
  • Stoves, washing machines, dryers; residential size only
  • Carpet that is cut into sections no longer than 1.2 metres (3 feet, 11 inches) tied and rolled into bundles not exceeding 22 kg (48 pounds). The maximum number of rolls that will be collected during the regular bulk item collection is 10.
  • Clothesline poles, basketball poles/nets that are cut down to four-foot lengths
  • Lawn mowers and weed eaters with gas and oil removed
  • Strollers, infant car seats (please note normal automobile seats are not collected)

Unacceptable large items

For a full list of unacceptable large items, please visit our Unacceptable Items Page.

Large items set out prior to your designated collection day, or placed on the road or gutter, contravenes The City of Sarnia’s Waste By-Law 62 of 2006. Contraventions of this By-Law can result in fines set by the court.

Missed collections

Questions related to missed collections and items left at the curb can be directed to the City’s waste contractor, Marcotte Disposal, at 519-339-9988 or

Collection of unacceptable large items, and collections outside of scheduled weeks are available from the City’s waste contractor at a cost. Call Marcotte Disposal at 519-339-9988 for more information.