School Crossing Guards provide an important service for families in Sarnia. School crossing guards help and assist elementary school students cross the street safely and confidently and remind drivers and people cycling of the presence of pedestrians at key locations.

School crossing guards play a vital role in ensuring the safety of students as they travel through our school communities. They do so by guiding them across busy roads and intersections and by making sure drivers and people cycling are aware of pedestrians crossing. They are trained to be attentive, patient and observant. School crossing guards wear bright, reflective clothing and use a stop sign and a whistle.

Reporting Absence or Conduct Incidents or Give Compliments

Please call Customer Service or use the online form below to report an issue with a current school crossing guard. This will start a formal investigation. We will investigate and respond to your concern. Please ensure you have the following details available: location/intersection, date, and time of incident.

Online form

Reporting Absence or Conduct Incidents

Click here

For all other inquiries, including location selection or to report a compliment please email For school crossing guard employment opportunities please view our current postings.

Safety Tips

Be safe at school crossings, including where crossing guards are present.

Drivers remember:

  • Slow your speed in school zones, and keep an eye out for crossing guards
  • Keep an eye out for school crossings marked on the pavement and by yellow signs
  • When a crossing guard displays a red and white stop sign, come to a complete stop before the crossing
  • Remain stopped until all pedestrians including the crossing guard have completely left the road

Parents please take some time to brush up on crossing guard safety with the kids. Remind them:

  • Always cross at the marked crosswalk
  • Follow the guard’s instructions, only cross when the guard says it is safe
  • Be aware of traffic, always ensure cars have come to a complete stop when crossing
  • Avoid horseplay and dangerous activities on the street
  • Be courteous and kind to the guards, they are there to keep everyone safe