Indemnification Agreement

There are a number of reasons citizens may require access to City parks and/or property. You might be replacing your fence and you happen to back onto a park, you might be having construction done and require access to municipal property, or you might need a tree removed from your yard, and the best way to get access is to go through or onto city property.

An indemnification agreement is required for these kinds of situations, or when access to City property is needed in order to access private property. As well, a $1000.00 deposit is required in the form of a cheque should damage be done to the park land, which is destroyed or returned upon completion so long as no damage was done.

Please download and complete the below Indemnification Agreement Form, and submit to or City Hall 3rd Floor. Once received along with your deposit, your submission will go through the Supervisor, Park Operations to review and sign-off and notice will be given to you when approved.

Replacing a Fence

Citizens who have property that backs onto City park space and/or municipal property do not require an Indemnification Agreement or permission to replace said fencing. If they need to access city property to replace said fence, they do need to submit the Indemnification Agreement Form above.

Those who wish to replace a fence dividing their private property and city owned property are required to hire professionals to complete the job and/or in a professional manner. As well, the replacement fence is required to tie in the fence on both sides, and cannot leave any gaps between neighboring fences.

Should you wish to replace a fence between your private property, and city owned property, please email to simply inform us you will be starting/completing this work; and submit the above Indemnification agreement, if applicable.

Refer to the Contact Us page to submit an inquiry, or email