The United Nations Declaration of Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) Committee is pleased to reveal a new Commemorative Crosswalk at Christina Street North and Cathcart Boulevard.
At the September 13, 2021 regular meeting, Sarnia City Council passed a resolution to design a commemorative crosswalk to recognize the victims of residential schools and serve as a step towards reconciliation in our community.
The crosswalk installation was generously supported through a $5,000 grant from the Creative County Grant Program.
A Dedication Ceremony will be held on Monday, June 20, 2022 at 11 a.m. at the crosswalk site. Representatives from the local Indigenous Communities have been invited to participate in the ceremony.
“The crosswalks represent a visual commitment to reconciliation and the implementation of the Declaration, which states that the cultures, traditions, histories, and aspirations of Indigenous peoples shall be appropriately reflected in education and public information. We encourage members of the community to learn and reflect on the tragic legacy of residential schools. Reconciliation is a path that we all walk together, and the teachings of the Seven Grandfathers can guide us along that path. The seven feathers represent these guiding principles centred around truth, humility, respect, love, honesty, bravery, and wisdom,” states Candace Young, Chair of the UNDRIP Committee.
This crosswalk is the first of two planned commemorative crosswalks, with a second scheduled to be installed later this year, downtown.
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For further information, please contact:
Candace Young, Chair, UNDRIP Committee
Brian White, City Councillor
519-464-2585 or