IMPORTANT: The Germain Garden Plots are not open to the public to take produce and/or any other items.

All 2024 Garden Plot have been rented. Please check back in Spring 2025 for Garden Plot availability.
Button to direct to Germain Garden Plots Map

There are a number of benefits to gardening include reducing one’s carbon footprint, food production, enhancing physical and mental health, contributing to the urban ecosystem, and community collaboration. The Germain Garden Plots are provided as a means to plant and grow your own garden.

The Germain Garden Plots include 35 rentable sections of space that citizens can purchase. One plot per household is provided with an approximately 20’x20’ section of space that is tiled and disced by park staff before and after each season. Renters receive some compost to use in their garden.

Garden seasons run May 1st to October 31st annually, weather permitting.

Terms of Use

Terms of Use

– Disrespect by the licensee for property or the rights of others will result in this rental contract being cancelled.
– Each gardener is responsible for keeping 1/2 of the pathways adjoining his/her garden plot clear of weeds. An enclosed area will be provided for waste garden material.
– Plots must be maintained free of weeds. Failure to comply will result first, in a letter of warning: if the situation is not corrected, all rights of plot will be forfeited without compensation to the licencee.
– Plot size is approximately 20′ x 20′. Stakes with plot number must remain in each plot.
– The garden plots will be ploughed and disced, by the beginning of May and cleared by the beginning of November. Garden tools must be supplied by gardeners.
– Plots are limited on the basis of only ONE per household, unless approved by Scheduling staff if plots remain available after the May 1 deadline.
– The planting of marijuana or any invasive species of plant is prohibited on City property.
– No significant site alterations shall be made to the site without the approval of parks and recreation staff. An example may be installing fencing, installing posts, etc.

Refer to the Contact Us page to submit an inquiry or report a safety concern, or email