Council approved a new City of Sarnia Council Strategic Plan on August 12, 2024, outlining Council’s vision and high-level strategic priorities for the future.

Sarnia is a vibrant city known for its community pride, bustling harbour and picturesque outdoor spaces that provide residents an excellent quality of life. Its strengths in the petrochemical sector are known throughout Canada. As various forces of transformation affect the municipality, City Council chose this time to update its strategic plan for the coming years. The direction for this updated Strategic Plan was supported by reviewing actions and priorities from the City’s existing reports and plans. An extensive engagement process was conducted, providing opportunities for Council, City staff, and the wider community to contribute to strategic planning. Feedback from the community was both broad and meaningful.


The Vision offers a clear view of what the City strives to be in the longer term. Simply put, stakeholders desired innovation, leadership and adaptability.

The Vision for the City of Sarnia is: Innovative city, diversified economy, welcoming community.


The Mission articulates the purpose of the City for its leaders, employees, and constituents. The Mission for the City of Sarnia is: We foster a quality of life that connects our community to the future.

Guiding Principles

Guiding Principles reflect the values of Sarnia, serving as a lens through which choices are made. These guiding principles support Council and staff in their daily performance and extend beyond the life of this Strategic Plan. The Guiding Principles of the municipality and the community are: Approachable, Kind, Focused, Collaborative, and Innovative.

Strategic Directions

To frame next steps over the life of the strategy, strategic directions were developed:

  • Asset Management
  • Government Relations
  • Community Wellbeing
  • Economic Resilience.

These over-arching themes set the foundation from which the City’s goals, objectives and operational plans can be developed in the implementation phase that follows the development of the Strategic Plan.