Holding provisions may be used to stagger development or to prevent development while specific aspects such as servicing, community services, roads, studies, and reports are implemented to the satisfaction of the City of Sarnia. They may be applied through a By-law amendment under Section 34 of the Planning Act.
Once the requirements of the holding provision have been met, applicants may apply for the removal of holding provisions through an amending By-law. Applicants are required to ensure that all necessary conditions have been met prior to submitting an application.
It is strongly recommended that applicants speak with a member of the Planning Department before submitting an application.
You can contact the Planning Department at planning@sarnia.ca or 519-332-0330 x3301
Fee Rate: The 2024 fee for an Application for Removal of ‘H’ Holding Provision is $359.00
To apply for the removal of holding provisions, please complete the following steps:
Step 1:
Speak with the Planning Department to ensure that the property is eligible for the removal of holding provisions.
Step 2:
Complete an Application for Removal of ‘H’ Holding Provision form. This can be completed digitally, or on paper. This form can be accessed at the link above, or in person at Community Services on the 3rd floor of City Hall.
NOTE: Your application must be commissioned by an Ontario Commissioner of Oaths. This can be completed in person at City Hall or through a lawyer, paralegal, or notary public.
Step 3:
Submit your form. This can be done:
- Online: Submit your application via the sarnia.ca/apply portal.
- In Person: At Community Services on the 3rd floor of City Hall.
- Mail or Courier: To “City Hall: Attention Planning Department”
Step 4:
Pay the application fee. Payment can be made:
- Online: By credit card using the Payment Platform below.
- In Person: By cheque, credit or debit card, at Community Services on the 3rd floor of City Hall.
- Mail or Courier: By cheque made out to City of Sarnia. Mailed to “City Hall: Attention Planning Department”
- Phone: By credit card. 519-332-0330 ext. 3301
Payment Platform
Use this link to pay for your application. Select: Listing of “H”: Zone Symbol Application.