Having a plan can make all the difference in an emergency, a plan means your family will know what to do and when. If disaster strikes you won’t waste any time making decisions, or second-guessing yourself, in the moment.

Take time to create a home emergency plan, be sure to review your plan and make any updates as a household at least twice a year to ensure everyone knows what to do and information is up to date.

Your plan should include:

  • A friend or family contact outside of the area in case anyone is separated during an emergency
  • A home escape plan, including emergency exits for each room of your home
  • Meeting places, including one inside your neighbourhood, and one well outside it in case of a large-scale emergency
  • Have a designated place to meet and stay out of town in case it is needed
  • Have a communications plan, make sure everyone in the house knows who to call in case of an emergency, especially if you become separated
  • Special arrangements for those with special needs such as limited mobility or health issues

Learn more by downloading our Home Emergency Preparedness Guide.

With a plan in place, it is also important you prepare for potential emergencies, by having a home emergency prep kit.