Vehicle for Hire By-Law

Every Owner or operator of a Vehicle For Hire shall ensure that all Vehicles used as Taxis are equipped with a Taxi Meter and is placed in the vehicle as to be conveniently always seen by the passengers thereof. The Taxi Meter shall be installed in a manner and condition acceptable to the Licence Manager and shall be set to register the rates in conformity with the Tariff Rates as provided in Appendix “4” of the By-law.

The rates listed below shall be adjusted based on the published annual Consumer Price Index, transportation subclass for the Province of Ontario published by Statistics Canada. The rates are subject to adjustment on January 1st each year, as determined by the City Treasurer based on published CPI data for the preceding year ending in November.

Services2023Nov. 2022 to
Nov. 2023
Change %
Flag Drop$5.72-0.1%$5.71
Senior Flag$4.62-0.1% $4.62
1/10 km or part thereof (cents)$0.3182-0.1% $0.3179
Hourly waiting rates – metered$22.07/hr-0.1% $22.05/hr
Hourly waiting rates – not metered (Charged in 15 minute increments)$40.11/hr-0.1% $40.07/hr