Adopt-A-Park or Trail Program is a community partnership between the Recreation & Leisure Services Department and interested residents and community groups within the City of Sarnia to help maintain the cleanliness of our favourite park and trail spaces.

The Adopt-A-Park or Trail Program is designed to encourage our community to get outdoors through active participation and engage our community neighborhoods and groups in providing an activity with a purpose to promote civic pride. Together we can build and promote a clean, green, active, and healthy City of Sarnia. The program will strengthen your connection to your neighborhood and increase the overall aesthetics of our parks and provide a safe environment.

Any of our parks, trails, and green space are available for adoption within the Adopt-A-Park or Trail Program. Assemble an Adopt-A Park or Trail team, identify a park or trail you wish to adopt, and submit your application to the Recreation & Leisure Services Department.

View the Adopt-A-Park or Trial Program Information document below for more information.

Refer to the Contact Us page to submit an inquiry or email