Trees on Private Property

Trees located on private property are not included in the Tree Canopy Protection & Enhancement Policy, nor the Protection of City Trees By-Law 34. You are not required to obtain a permit to remove a tree on your private property. Please note that boulevard trees are normally public property.

You can report a problem with a tree on private property that is dead, has broken branches, or if you believe there is an imminent safety issue under our Lot Maintenance By-Law by using the Contact Us form and providing your contact information and address of the private tree that is falling, broken, splitting, or causing a safety hazard. For general concerns about trees on private property, you will need to contact the owner and/or a third party such as an arborist.

Requesting a City Tree Work Order

Should citizens notice that a boulevard or City tree show signs of disease or needs maintenance, they can submit a City Tree Work Order.

Submit a City Tree Work Order

Click Here

A City Arborist will receive the work order and staff will be assigned to either inspect, trim, remove, or perform any other care or maintenance to the tree. We require a name, phone number, and address where the tree is located in order to process a work order. If looking for an update on a submitted City Tree work order, please contact us at 519-332-0330 Ext. 3301, or email

Trees Near Power Lines

If a tree is touching or near power lines, Bluewater Power must be contacted to perform the maintenance on the tree. Their staff are especially skilled to work around power lines, and they have a webpage specific to trees maintenance. Refer to their Tree Trimming page for more information.

If you notice that a tree is interfering with power lines, please contact Bluewater Power at 519-337-8201.

Tree Concerns After Hours

If a tree/large limb has fallen and are blocking a road or are a safety concern when City Hall is closed, please call the after hours emergency number 226-472-1150.

Refer to the Contact Us page to submit an inquiry or email

Urban Forests

Urban Forests are trees, forests, and greenspace located within the urban core to the outskirts of a city. Urban forestry is the planting, care, and maintenance of trees within this urban setting – and the role of trees is an essential part of city planning and urban infrastructure. Urban Forests make important contributions to society. They have environmental, social, aesthetic, and economic values. The health and quality of urban forests and street trees is an indicator to the health and quality of neighbourhoods and other urban areas.

The City of Sarnia is proud of our urban forests and the many contributions they make to the quality of live for our citizens, and the beauty and benefits they bring to our city. The City’s Urban Forests include boulevard trees, park, trees, and any other trees located on City property. They are the responsibility of the Forestry Department, who are passionate about their field and take great care in ensuring Sarnia’s urban forests are a source of pride for the community.

View an infographic displaying the benefits of trees and urban forests.

Forestry Department Services

A team of arborists from the Forestry Department are active year-round caring for and maintaining our urban forest. Continued training and experience enable our staff to carry out their tasks safely and efficiently. These professionals work from LaSalle Road to the St. Clair River, over to Mandaumin Road up to Lake Huron, including the Howard Watson Nature Trail from Confederation Street to Mandaumin Road.

Services Provided to City Owned Trees

  • Responding to tree inquiries regarding any City owned trees.
  • Tree pruning to remove broken, sick, and dead branches to promote good health and structure and public safety.
  • Tree removal of dead and sick trees.
  • Monitoring of pest control.
  • Assessment and treatment for general tree vigor.
  • Tree planting free of charge on your boulevard, where suitable.
  • Stump removal.
  • After hours emergency response.

Do Your Part to Care for Your Boulevard Trees

While the Forestry Department has the responsibility to care and maintain the health of our urban forest, citizens have an important role to play and can help support the care of boulevard trees.

Ways to Care for Boulevard Trees

  • Watering the tree thoroughly during dry days in summer.
  • Take care to not damage the bark while cutting the grass around the tree. Cutting the bark allows insects and other pests to affect a tree’s health.
  • Keep the soil level around the base of the tree as it was planted. Piling soil around the base of a trunk causes excessive stress.
  • Refrain from cutting surface roots, digging or tying anything to the tree as it can restrict growth.
  • Do not prune the tree yourself. Fill out the Tree Work Order for any problems or concerns.

Trees of Distinction

The Sarnia-Lambton Arbor Week Committee invites you to participate in a rewarding program which promotes the beauty of trees and the importance that they play in our everyday lives.

Local residents, businesses or service clubs are invited to nominate a tree that is:
1. Accessible to the public
2. Healthy
3. Native or ornamental
4. Distinctive

To nominate a tree, fill out the information below. Members of the Arbor Week Committee will examine the tree and determine if it fits the criteria. A “tree friendly” plaque will be attached to the tree. Future plans include the generation of a map showing all the distinctive trees identified in the County.

Trees of Distinction Form
Trees of Distinction Bicycle Tour

Complete the form and submit to the Parks and Recreation Department: Forestry. This can be done by email at, or in-person or mail to City Hall at 255 Christina St. N., Sarnia, ON N7T7N2 Attn: Parks and Recreation – Forestry.

By-Law 34 – Protection of City Trees

By-Law 34 Tree By-Law was created to “regulate the planting, maintenance, and removal of trees in public places within the City of Sarnia”, and protects all of our publicly owned trees. No one is allowed to harm, trim, transplant, or remove any tree found in a public place. Fill out the Tree Concerns Form if you see any problems with trees or would like more information.

Refer to the By-Laws page for more information regarding this and other by-laws.

National Arbour Day

National Arbor Day is celebrated annually on the last Friday in April. It’s an important day set aside to raise awareness of trees and the many benefits they provide not only to the environment. National Arbor Day is celebrated annually on the last Friday in April. It’s an important day set aside to raise awareness of trees and the many benefits they provide not only to the environment, but to people and their communities as well. , but to people and their communities as well.

The City wishes to recognize past and on-going involvement of volunteers and corporate sponsors who have donated time, funds, and services to the upkeep and reforestation of our urban forest.

  • Tree Canada Foundation
  • TD Bank
  • Enbridge
  • Canatara Volunteers
  • Arbor Week Committee
  • Kiwanis Foundation
  • Girl Guide of Canada