The City of Sarnia is responsible for coordinating the acquisition of goods and services, as required, to maintain operation and maintenance for the City’s operations teams and locations.

If there are any questions related to the Procurement activity done by the City of Sarnia please contact

Bid Opportunities

Procurement Bid Opportunities are available through the bids and tenders bid portal.

Surplus Goods

Give Deals Logo

Any of the City’s surplus goods are sold via online bidding service with

Notice(s) of Intent

Please visit our Public Notices page for any current Notice(s) of Intent that may be posted.

Fair Wage Policy and Fair Wage Schedule

The Fair Wage Policy ensures that contractors and sub-contractors pay wages at least equal or greater than the wages set out in the Fair Wage Schedule and is applicable to all City construction contracts.

Click here for more information on the Fair Wage Policy and Fair Wage Schedule.


The City of Sarnia is a participating member in the following associations and group procurement initiatives:

Questions & Answers

  1. How do I market my company to the City of Sarnia?
    We suggest that you review the City Website, Standard Terms and Conditions, and bid opportunities.  Purchasing staff are more than happy to meet with any vendor, but keep in mind the availability of key staff is sometimes limited.
  2. How do I respond to a request to quote?
    A request for quotation, tender or proposals are standard processes utilized by the City to procure goods and or services.  The process for submission and deadline is outlined in the bid documents.
  3. Can I register my company to the City of Sarnia supplier database?
    The City does not maintain a central supplier database.
  4. Why does the City not deal exclusively with local vendors?
    Selecting vendors based on geographic location is a violation of legislated agreements including Ontario Discriminatory Business Practices Act and the Federal Agreement on Internal Trade.
  5. How do City Staff purchase items or day to day operation?
    Staff has a few options regarding operating supplies.  The Public Works team operates a Stores warehouse for routine supplies and some team members have access to Procurement Cards for the smaller purchases.  In addition, through bidding processes, standing agreements are established with suppliers for goods and/or services that are utilized by many areas of operations.

Procurement Resources

Procurement of Goods and Services Policy – September 14, 2020 – Web View
Procurement of Goods and Services Policy – September 14, 2020 – PDF

Standard Terms and Conditions – PDF

Vendor Performance Evaluation Program Policy – February 19, 2020 – Web View
Vendor Performance Evaluation Program Policy – February 19, 2020 – PDF

Fair Wage Policy and Schedule – December 7, 2021 – PDF
Fair Wage Compliance Form
Fair Wage Complaint Form