In January  of 2024, City Council approved the Sarnia Active Transportation Master Plan (ATMP), outlining a vision for future investments into active transportation infrastructure such a pathways, cycle lanes, and pedestrian safety features.

Built on extensive public engagement, the ATMP provides a plan for future investments into active transportation infrastructure and education, with the ultimate goal of creating an interconnected transportation network that serves a variety of travel types, including walking and cycling.

The plan:

  • promotes human-powered active transportation
  • develops and formalizes an active transportation network
  • diversifies transportation options for residents
  • provides strategic planning, guidance and budgeting for execution
  • creates a liveable and sustainable city

The ATMP includes recommendations for:

  • 92 km of sidewalk
  • 15 km of multi-use paths
  • 106 km of on-road cycling infrastructure
  • staff and community-led initiatives to promote active transportation culture

Learn more

Active Transportation Master Plan – Active Transportation Network

Active Transportation Master Plan – Action Plan and Implementation Strategy

Benefits of active transportation

Investments into active transportation can benefit our community in several ways:

  • Health benefits — utilizing human-powered transportation can contribute to healthy, active lifestyles. The Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) states that people who cycle three hours per week reduce their risk of an early death by 28 per cent, while another found that those who walk 29 minutes per day, seven days per week, reduce their risk of an early death by 22 per cent.
  • Safety improvements — investments in active transportation infrastructure can improve safety for all road users; dedicated pedestrian and cyclist infrastructure reduces the likelihood of collisions.
  • Equity — active transportation is an affordable means of transportation and network investments can increase connectivity and opportunity for vulnerable populations
  • Improved transportation network efficiency — active transportation infrastructure that is well integrated with other modes of transportation including the municipal road network and public transit benefits all travelers.
  • Environmental improvements — active transportation uptake reduces greenhouse gas emissions and other pollution. Development of the ATMP is identified as a key project in the City’s Climate Change Action Plan.
  • Economic prosperity — an increase in walking and cycling in Sarnia can improve the city’s economic prosperity by creating more attractive places to live, work and visit. A better quality of public amenities can encourage more people to visit the city for leisure or shopping opportunities; to locate or promote their business in an area that provides a positive experience for employees and clients; and also, to live in the city.


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