Residential property taxes are calculated based on your home’s value. This MPAC video on YouTube (click here) explains how your property taxes are calculated based on the assessed value of your home. Visit these webpages for additional information on Property Assessment and Understanding your Tax Bill.

Tax Due Dates

Tax due dates are the second last business day of February, April, June, and August. Please retain your final tax bill, as it may be needed for your income tax return.

Interim Bill Final Bill
1st Instalment: February 28, 2024
2nd Instalment: April 29, 2024
1st Instalment: June 27, 2024
2nd Instalment: August 29, 2024

Interim Bills are mailed the first week of February. Final Bills are mailed early June. Final Bills are mailed to all property owners, as legislatively required, regardless of payment method.

If applicable, you may receive a supplemental or omitted tax bill; refer to these bills for their due dates. Call us at 519-332-0330 or email if you have questions about a supplementary or omitted bill, or read more on this type of tax bill here.

Payment Options

To sign up for a pre-authorized payment plan you can complete the online application form or download and return the pdf application form.

There are several other tax payment options: in person, online/ internet payments, payment at your financial institution, and mail (cheques only). Credit cards and e-transfers are not accepted. For full details, visit the Property Tax Payment Options page.

Bank Account Changes and Payment Plan Changes

If you wish to make changes to your pre-authorized payment plan, please complete this online form, download and return the pdf form, or email

Property Tax Payment Options

Click here

Penalties, Charges, and Fees

Late payment of property taxes will be subject to a penalty charge of 15% per annum, applied on the first day of default and on the first day of each month thereafter, until paid. A property tax arrears notice will be issued, and a $5.25 fee will be applied to all accounts with an outstanding balance after the due date. Failure to receive a bill does not excuse a taxpayer from the responsibility for payment or from liability for penalty for late payment. Penalty and/or interest cannot be waived or altered for any reason. Please refer to the Fees for Service for additional fees.

Contact Us

Send us your inquiry through the Contact Us form, email, or phone: 519-332-0330 Ext. 3131. Tax Account Statements are available to the current owner, exclusively.

Law offices: Please forward Ownership Change Notifications to Tax certificates can be purchased online.