Property tax Pre-Authorized Payments can be set up for monthly or due date withdrawals. Pre-Authorized Payment Plans are available to all property taxpayers at no cost and are a convenient way to ensure a due date is not missed and can help with monthly budgeting.

Application Requirements

  • Completed Application Form
  • VOID cheque or PAD Form
  • No outstanding arrears on tax account
  • Property structure fully assessed by MPAC

Pre-Authorized Tax Payment Plan Applications are available in the Customer Service Department of City Hall (first floor) or at Completed applications must be sent to the Tax Department with a VOID cheque or Pre-Authorized Debit form (from your bank). Once completed, paper copies can be submitted to City Hall, or electronic copies can be sent via email to

Additional Information

  • If you own multiple properties, a separate PAP application is required for each.
  • Any payment default (NSF) is subject to the City of Sarnia’s returned item fee and may cause the account to be removed from the PAP plan.
  • If your banking information changes, it is your responsibility to inform the City.
  • If your property is sold, it is your responsibility to contact the City by email to to cancel your pre-authorized payments.
  • All enrollments and/or cancellations must be received by the 20th day of the month to be processed.

Pre-Authorized Payment Options

Two different pre-authorized payment plants are available.

Monthly Pre-Authorized Payment Plan

  • Payments are deducted from your bank account on the last business day of the month.
  • The cycle for the monthly PAP plan runs from November to October. If you wish to join mid-cycle, payments will be adjusted accordingly.
  • Monthly payments are adjusted twice per year: in June, after the final taxes for the year have been determined, and again in November.
  • You will be mailed a Final tax bill every year in June, which will include changes in your payment amount.
  • Please verify the information on the bill is correct and retain it for income tax purposes.

Installment Pre-Authorized Payment Plan

  • The property tax installment amount will be deducted from your bank account on each property tax installment due date (February, April, June, and August).
    • Please refer to your tax bill or visit to confirm exact dates.
  • You will be mailed an Interim and Final tax bill every year. Please verify the information on the bill is correct and retain it for income tax purposes.

Online Forms