Annual Reports

Financial Statements

The City of Sarnia Financial Statements included within the annual reports are prepared based on the Canadian Public Sector Accounting Standards.

The Finance Department is responsible for ensuring that financial statements follow the financial policies approved by Council.

2023 Financial Statements
2022 Financial Statements
2021 Financial Statements
2020 Financial Statements
2019 Financial Statements
2018 Financial Statements
2017 Financial Statements
2016 Financial Statements
2015 Financial Statements
2014 Financial Statements
2013 Financial Statements
2012 Financial Statements
2011 Financial Statements

Financial Reports

The financial reports, presented in accordance with Section 295(1) of the Ontario Municipal Act, highlight the financial operations of the City of Sarnia.  These reports consolidate the operations, assets, and liabilities of the City and its local boards and municipal enterprises: Transit Special Area, Sewer Special Area, Sarnia Waterworks and Sarnia Police Services Board. 

The financial information has been extracted from the City’s audited Financial Statements. 

2023 Financial Report
2022 Financial Report
2021 Financial Report
2020 Financial Report
2019 Financial Report
2018 Financial Report
2017 Financial Report
2016 Financial Report
2015 Financial Report
2014 Financial Report

Quarterly Budget Status Reports

The following Budget Status Reports provide a summary by department with columns defined as:

  • Budget represents the Operating, Transit, Sewer, and Water budgets as approved by Council.
  • YTD Actuals represents the actual year to date revenues and expenses. Currently, we do not accrue for all revenues or expenses that have not been received or paid and therefore some figures may be based on processed items only.
  • Forecast represents anticipated year-end revenues and expenses based on actual results to the end of the period, plus forecasted amounts to the end of the year.
  • Variance represents the difference between the Budget column and the Forecast column. A variance in brackets represents a negative variance and is an unfavourable result.
Q1 Budget StatusQ1 Budget StatusQ1 Budget StatusQ1 Budget Status
Q2 Budget Status available September 2024Q2 Budget StatusQ2 presented with Q3 due to Council meeting scheduleQ2 Budget Status
Q3 Budget Status available November 2024Q3 Budget StatusQ3 Budget StatusQ3 Budget Status
Q4 Preliminary Year End available May 2025Q4 Preliminary Year EndQ4 Preliminary Year EndQ4 Preliminary Year End

Public Sector Salary Disclosure

In accordance with the Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act, the City of Sarnia annually discloses the names of all of our employees who were paid $100,000 or more the previous year.

2023 Public Sector Salary Disclosure

BMA Municipal Study

Sarnia participates in a comparative survey conducted by BMA Management Consulting Inc., that includes financial data from 121 Ontario municipalities.
The study identifies both key quantifiable indicators and selective environmental factors that should be considered as part of a comprehensive evaluation of a local municipality’s financial condition.

  • Socio-Economic Indicators
    – Land Density
    – Population Growth
    – Household Income
    – Assessment per Capita
    – Assessment Change
    – Residential Properties
    – Construction Activity
  • Municipal Financial Sustainability Indicators
    – Financial Position per Capita
    – Asset Consumption Ratio
    – Reserves
    – Debt Indicators
    – Taxes Receivable as a % of Taxes Levied
  • Revenue & Expenditure Analysis
  • Select User Fee and Revenue Information
    – Development Charges
  • Tax Policies
  • Comparison of Relative Taxes
  • Comparison of Water/Sewer Costs
  • Property Taxes and Water/Wastewater as a % of Income
  • Economic Development Programs

It is anticipated that the consolidation of the financial and economic indicators contained in the Municipal Study will achieve the following goals and objectives:

  • To help municipal decision makers in assessing market conditions
  • To understand the unique characteristics of each municipality
  • To understand the relationship between various controllable and uncontrollable factors in addressing a municipality’s competitive opportunities and challenges
  • To develop a database of material that can be updated in future years to assess progress and establish targets
  • To create awareness of the trends and the potential need to modify policies
  • To assist in aligning municipal decisions in property taxation with other economic development programs and initiatives
  • To assist municipalities in developing a long-term strategy for property taxation to achieve municipal competitive objectives in targeted property classes
  • To create a baseline source of information that will assist municipalities in addressing specific areas of concern and to gain a better understanding of how other municipalities have addressed similar concerns
  • To understand the impact of reassessment and growth
  • To identify areas that may require further review (e.g. service levels, user fees, service delivery)

To view the report, please click on the link below.

If you would like to purchase a copy of the report in its entirety, the cost is $50.00, and can be ordered by contacting the Finance Department at 519-332-0330 ext 3254 or by e-mail at

2023 BMA Municipal Study2023 BMA Executive Summary – Sarnia
2022 BMA Municipal Study2022 BMA Executive Summary – Sarnia
2021 BMA Municipal Study2021 BMA Executive Summary – Sarnia
2020 BMA Municipal Study2020 BMA Executive Summary – Sarnia
2019 BMA Municipal Study2019 BMA Executive Summary – Sarnia
2018 BMA Municipal Study – Part 12018 BMA Municipal Study – Part 2
2017 BMA Municipal Study – Part 12017 BMA Municipal Study – Part 2
2016 BMA Municipal Study – Part 1 2016 BMA Municipal Study – Part 2
2015 BMA Municipal Study – Part 1 2015 BMA Municipal Study – Part 2
2014 BMA Municipal Study
2013 BMA Municipal Study
2012 BMA Municipal Study
2011 BMA Municipal Study – Part 1
2011 BMA Municipal Study – Part 2
2010 BMA Municipal Study
2009 BMA Municipal Study

If you require any of the documents above in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 519-332-0330 extension 3309 or